
Bravo to Gina Rinehart for refusing to play the Left’s gotcha games of eternal and collective guilt by association

Article by James Macpherson courtesy of Sky News.

Billionaire mining magnate Gina Rinehart owes no-one an apology for the actions of someone else, writes James Macpherson.

Her company has launched a series of altruistic initiatives for young people, including Indigenous Australians. But actions don’t matter to these dectrators – only words, and only those spoken by someone else at that.

The Left love eternal, collective guilt. That’s why they demanded last week that mining magnate Gin

a Rinehart renounce statements her father made 40 years ago about Aboriginal people.

But Gina understands she inherited her father’s business, not his sins. So – rightly in my view – she did not acquiesce.

Instead, she walked away with the $15 million she had earmarked for Netball Australia.

Its players can sell lamingtons while they reflect on the fact that people should not be judged by the words of others.

“She could simply put it on the record that she finds those comments offensive. And btw they did find a middle ground. She wasn’t interested,” Cassidy continued.

If she “wasn’t interested” then it can’t have been much of a “middle ground”.

But why should Rinehart agree to middle ground anyway? There is no middle ground when you’re facing the Left’s charges of eternal, collective guilt.

Rinehart wasn’t interested in a game where trolls sift through everything anyone ever connected to you may have said, and then demand you repudiate those statements as if you yourself were guilty of making them, on threat of being banished from polite society.

Screw that.

Demanding women be held accountable for the actions of their male relatives is so 1950s.

Where is Julia “I will not be lectured about sexism and misogyny” Gillard when you need her?

Oh that’s right. Gina Rinehart is a conservative.

If the Left didn’t have double standards, they wouldn’t have any standards at all.

One left-leaning commentator tweeted: “The fact that she won’t repudiate her father’s views is proof that she is supportive of those views.”

Evel Knievel couldn’t have made that leap.

Under Gina Rinehart’s leadership, Hancock Prospecting funds charities providing schooling, scholarships, and employment opportunities for Indigenous youth.

But actions don’t matter to these detractors – only words, and those words spoken by someone else!

Where do we draw the line with childish gotcha games? 

Should we require the descendants of Japanese World War II fighters to renounce their great grandparents’ actions? 

Should we demand German exchange students prove they do not hold Nazi views?

Should I demand my Muslim Uber driver disavows 9/11, or else cancel my ride?

Nobody except the Left’s useful idiots ever apologises for the actions of someone else, regardless of familial relationship.

And nor should they.

Guilt by association is a mug’s game. Gina Rinehart was right not to play it.
